Friday 15 June 2012

10 times the flight patterns of shades slipping away in the night,chased by the light on the other side of the world.Trees watching this,their roots quiver,inching deeper.There is water in the sky floating-a huge blanket as far as the eye can see,in slow motion,drops dripping.Catch one of those drops with a swish of your brush coming down into a world of colour spreading into 3D killers all over the world.Then cry on the world.let your acid drops kill,burn through the earth,making it holes like rotten cheese till it crumbles.Then hold on tight,hug yourself as you fall quivering in the grass,your whole body pulling so hard with sorrow till till..... till Nothing. .... . . . .
(I wrote this listening to Salem - dangerously beatifulingly melancholy musicy)

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