Friday 15 June 2012

 Struggle Struggle Struggle against the dying of the night,i`ve lived in a world where things are sometimes of grave great danger,so there is no shame in blaming yourself for failure.But tread lightly on your soft heart for it bleeds easily.Will there be a time for a ryhm,who knows but a soft heart is a good thing and no man should be suprised if he finds time with such a heart for the greatest loving beyond all proportions.So live strong now against the darkness.Guard your heart from harmful chemicals.Let him be a firefly in a sea of dark night.I fly high now into the Heavens of the night.Getting paid dividends-my sand Dunes of treasure are Building high into echelons of time,in the place where God waits for us.I hope to see you there for i will give gladly of my treasures,i will give you pure sparkling tears of love from my prized heart.I will wrap my arms around you filling thee with joy.Give of thyself to me and i shall be happy too,for there is nothing better than when two souls dance around the fire of passion.We`ll play chess and we can delight in the wonders of our intellect.We`ll express our humour and thus delve in a bit of dancing with the immortals.We`ll pass hearts and people doing as us and we`ll see bright flickering fires burning in the windows of their steeples.There we will drift,float and exist dreaming to our hearts bottomless bliss.And we`ll walk and talk,yes we`ll walk and talk,walk and talk,walk and talk

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