his bed will be made of raggie skins and for a pillow he would use a whole bunch of dead blue bottles connected togethor and weighted down with rocks and old fishing line.His cave would be like a dream just like his life under sea pure sparking magic.All the sea creatures grew to love him and he became well respected and all the creatures came to him for a mysterious feeling of love and greatness that he could make you feel.He would get lifts with joey the dolphin up and down the country but he didn't like going to cape town much 'cuase it was so cold there.He loved going to Durban with Joey 'cause the water was warm and he could spy on all the pretty girls that surfed in the area but he always made sure to put on his great white skin so that if he got to close they would not see that he was really human.He would even do underseas trips with the mighty blue whales wich he had also befriended and the way he did it was:he would let Grey(he was the biggest) swallow him and so he would tra
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